Charitable gift planning affords you opportunities to have an outsized impact on the causes that matter most to you with the possibility of reducing or eliminating current and future tax liabilities, creating income for you or your loved ones, and preserving wealth for future generations of your family.
Recent and pending changes to the tax code (Tax Cut and Jobs Act, CARES Act, CAA, and BBB) contain provisions incentivizing you to plan how, what, and when you give to charity. If you have recently experienced or are anticipating changes in your personal life or business, we encourage you to partner with us to ensure you're taking full advantage of these incentives.
Wyndmoor College's Department of Planned Giving is a ready resource for you and your advisors. We welcome you to have a confidential, no-obligation conversation to align your personal financial situation with your philanthropic goals.
How Will You Leave Your Legacy?
A legacy gift enables you to support Wyndmoor College, secures the financial needs of your loved ones, and provides you with tax benefits. Legacy gifts of all sizes combine to help us meet our current goals and reach further into the future.
By including Wyndmoor College in your will or trust, naming the school as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, or taking advantage of other giving opportunities, you can preserve your assets now and support Wyndmoor College for years to come. Your gift will have a real, lasting impact.
Let us help you make the gift that's right for you. Request a confidential, no-obligation conversation to get started.
When you make a gift to Wyndmoor College from your will or trust, you'll be welcomed into 1859 Legacy Society and join other supporters and friends of our important mission. Is Wyndmoor College already in your plans? Please let us know so we can properly thank you and make sure your gift will be used as you've intended.
If you've already included Wyndmoor in your plans, please let us know so we can properly thank you and make sure your gift will be used as you've intended.
How to Give
Not only do you have options for how your gift will be used, you also have options on what to give and how to give. There are gifts that cost you nothing now, gifts that pay you income, and gifts that allow you to decide what happens when.
Gifts From Your Will
General Bequest
Through a provision in your written and executed will, you can make a gift in the form of cash, securities, real estate or personal property. There are many types of bequests. Choose the one that best fits your needs and intentions.
Wyndmoor College
as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Keogh, profit-sharing pension plan or other donor-advised funds, will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings.
When you donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares instead of cash, you'll receive charitable deductions at full, fair market value while reducing capital gains impact.
Charitable IRA Rollover Make a Charitable IRA Rollover
If you're 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift directly from your IRA to
. While there is no charitable deduction for a rollover gift, you do avoid the income tax on the donated portion of your required minimum distribution.
Donor Advised Funds
Beneficiary Designation and Grants
as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the balance of your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) through your fund administrator. You also can make a grant to us at any time from your donor-advised fund.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Beneficiary Designation and Paid-Up Policies
Wyndmoor College
as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy; donate an existing, paid-up life insurance policy you no longer need; or purchase a new life insurance policy and name
Wyndmoor College
as the owner and beneficiary.
Donors just like you have made a real impact just by adding a few words to their will or using one of the many giving options available.
Linda Stevens '82
Wyndmoor was not just a college for me, it was a place where I grew into the woman I am today. Outside of the top-notch education, I built lifelong relationships that have supported me to this day. So, when I realized how easy it was to put Wyndmoor
in my will, it was a no brainer. My gift will one day help other young woman get the same amazing experience that I was so lucky to have.
Jim McDaniel '75
I always thought making a planned gift was something mega-millionaires did. But after talking with a gift officer, I found out that even regular guys like me can make a difference with a planned gift. That is why I am proud to say that I too have joined the
1859 Legacy Society, by making Wyndmoor the beneficiary on my IRA.
Jack and Marge Geraghty '60
Growing up in the Bronx, Jack Geraghty ’60 loved basketball and dreamed of going to
Wyndmoor College
. “The other schools in the area were average,” he recalls. “I wanted the best. And I got it at
Wyndmoor College
And, what 14-year-old aspiring ballplayer wouldn’t get a kick out of competing for their school in a college gym. Sixty years later Jack still gets together with his Ram classmates and counts them among his closest friends.
Jack credits the academic rigor of his Jesuit education and the spiritual guidance he received at
for setting him on a course to a fulfilling and interesting life. After graduation, Jack attended the U.S. Naval Academy, served in Vietnam and went on to a successful career in finance.
“The values taught at
translate to all aspects of life,” says Jack. “We have done well. We want to give so others can do well also; give students that head start.”
Thankful for the foundational role
Wyndmoor College
played in his life, Jack and his wife Marge, loyal supporters of The Annual Fund and Scholarships, are
also members of the
1859 Legacy Society
. They have included
in their estate planning through a charitable IRA rollover and a will
bequest intention. “My wife and I both hold the same opinion — if
someone helped you get started, give back to support them,” he
says, “Think about who has helped you. Wouldn’t you like to give
someone a chance? We set up our gift so that Prep students will have
the same opportunities we did.”
Kevin & Connie Hackett '67
When Kevin ’67 and Connie Hackett sat down with their lawyer to discuss estate-planning matters with regards to their IRA account, their main goal was to figure out what would be the most tax-efficient way to benefit their heirs, while at the same time benefitting the charitable causes they support.
“My lawyer said I should consider naming a non-profit as one of mine and Connie’s IRA beneficiaries,” said Hackett. The answer surprised the Hacketts. “When I asked why, my lawyer told me that when you name a non-profit as an IRA beneficiary, the money comes right off the top, lowering the tax burden on our other beneficiaries. I was totally unaware this was possible, but the fact that Connie and I can support
Wyndmoor College
and still benefit our family is a win-win scenario.”
Hackett, who was a long-time member of the
Wyndmoor College
Board of Trustees and inducted into the
Wyndmoor College
Hall of Honor, now wants his fellow Rams to take advantage of the tax break and support
Wyndmoor College
. “The tax rate for IRA beneficiaries is fairly substantial and would place an unfair burden on them. Naming a non-profit as a beneficiary is not a difficult thing to do and my hope is that people realize that they can make a difference through a simple action,” says Hackett.
“Doing something like this has been on my mind for a while, as I recently realized I am not immortal. In my experience, the wise thing to do is to talk to your advisors or lawyer to figure out a way to provide for
Ken Singleton '79
Men for Others:
A Continued Mission
Ken Singleton ’79 says he first fully came alive at Fordham Prep. “Everyone there wants you to succeed—then and now!” he says. “But at the same time, I learned to look outside of myself. Our real job—the real goal—is to be a man for others.”
After graduation, Ken attended College of the Holy Cross, received his law degree from Fordham University and had a successful career in commercial real estate. In retirement, Ken turned his attention as COO to putting Graymoor in Garrison, New York on a strong financial footing, and never lost sight of how important his early experiences at Fordham Prep were. Ken is carrying out the Prep’s mission, which has become his personal philosophy, by making a gift from his estate.
“It’s really all about values,” remarks Ken.
“Everyone at the Prep is supportive of each other—the students, the administration, the staff—and I want to support that. I want to be a part of continuing that mission.”
Ken urges others to join him in supporting Fordham’s ability to maintain this distinctive culture. “I encourage my fellow Fordham Prep brothers to join me in supporting the school that gave us so much. The Prep served us well, and now needs our support for the future. This is our opportunity to help provide the same experience for future students.”
Gifts of all types and sizes combine to maximize our ability to support our mission to educate young men for a life of service and success. You can designate Fordham Prep as the full or partial beneficiary of your will, retirement, brokerage, or bank account. Naming the Prep as the beneficiary, and using other assets not subject to income tax to make gifts to your heirs, is a savvy way to support the ones you love without affecting your current cash flow, lifestyle, or your family’s security.
Contact Us
Use the Form Below to Get In Touch with One of Our Planned Giving Officers.
Let us know how we can help you include Wyndmoor College in your estate plans. Discussing your charitable intentions with us can lead to a much better result than going it alone - and will ensure that your gift is used just as you wish.
If you are working with a professional advisor, or advising a donor, here's a practical guide for including
Wyndmoor College in a charitable estate plan.